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Free Shipping on Orders of $150 (Ontario) $200 (QC, MB, SK, AB) $250 (BC, Maritimes) **Save The Tax on All Warhammer Model Kits, Board Games and DND Books!**
Free Shipping on Orders of $150 (Ontario) $200 (QC, MB, SK, AB) $250 (BC, Maritimes) **Save The Tax on All Warhammer Model Kits, Board Games and DND Books!**

Dungeons and Dragons: Return to Adventure Store Campaign (November -December)


Welcome to the return of the Season of Adventure, Lords of War's 5E Dungeons and Dragons campaign. This will be return to an old school style of sandbox dm'ing, where the players will have freedom to decide what stories they want to pursue. A mini session 0 will occur at the start of the session, where players will build their characters This campaign is a total of 20 hours, spread across 4 sessions. Each session occurs on Sunday 12pm every other week:

Sunday November 3rd
Sunday November 17th
Sunday December 8th
Sunday December 15th

Please reach out if you have any questions!